General FAQs

1. What is the DeSoto Eagle Band Booster Club?
The DeSoto Eagle Band Booster Club is a nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting the students, directors, and programs of the DeSoto Eagle Band. We assist with fundraising, events, and resources to ensure the success of our band program.


2. How do I join the Booster Club?
You can create an account on our website and follow the instructions to become a member. Membership is open to all parents, guardians, and community members who want to support the band.


3. What does the Booster Club do?
We provide financial and volunteer support for band events, competitions, equipment, uniforms, travel, and other needs. We also help foster a sense of community among band families.


4. How can I volunteer?
Visit the "Volunteer & Forms Center" on our website to see current opportunities and submit your interest. All volunteers must complete a background check through VOLY.


5. How do I stay up to date with band news and events?
Create an account on our website to receive updates, access calendars, and stay informed about everything happening in the band program.


6. Where do I purchase tickets or band merchandise?
Visit our Spirit Shop on the website to purchase tickets, spirit wear, and other band merchandise.


7. How do I pay my yearly band fees?


Use the Cut Time Magic Link texted to you to access your account and pay fees online. Note, Cut Time auto-sends a balance notification on the first of every month. If you need a new link, contact for assistance.


8. How can I make a donation?
You can donate directly through our website by clicking the “Donate” button. Your contributions help fund equipment, travel, and other band needs.




Middle School FAQs

1. Why is middle school band important?
Middle school band provides students with foundational musical skills, discipline, and teamwork that prepare them for high school band and beyond.


2. How does the Booster Club support middle school programs?
We work closely with middle school band directors to provide resources, sponsorships, and volunteer support for their events. We also host joint events to build connections between middle and high school band families.


3. Can middle school parents join the Booster Club?
Yes! Middle school parents are welcome to join the Booster Club to stay connected and support their students' journey into the high school band program.


4. How can middle school students transition to high school band?
Middle school band directors will provide guidance on auditions and preparation for the high school program. The Booster Club also hosts events where middle school students can meet high school band members and learn more about the program.


5. Where can I find information about middle school band events?
Check the Calendar on our website for updates on concerts, joint performances, and other events.


6. Do I need to purchase an instrument for my middle school student?
This depends on your student’s school program and instrument. Reach out to your middle school band director for specific guidance.





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